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Sudaryo Hj Osman April 2012


-          Mr.Woodbadge Company?
-          More FREE value added…with NO EXTRA COST
-          More and more SAVINGS! BUY LOW WORTH BIGGER
-          NEW and more Products Launching?
-          Be part of CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility)

Before we get started today, we have some REALLY exciting news we want to share with you. Our humble set up of Mr.Woodbadge from one to two dynamic person with the love of scouting,  have now been upgraded to Mr.Woodbadge company assuring everyone a more reliable and affordable place to deal with. It is all because of YOU! You have given us the drive and undivided support in making our mission and vision in sharing scouting an achievable objective.  We are now “Mr.Woodbadge Company – Business Registration No-91918”

Sabeli Bakri and I both want to say "thank you" and "wow!" to everyone.

We will continue to give you our top-notch products of scouting with an international standard quality. Meanwhile, we will also bring to you, selected international scout products that you have been longing to own; simply because we are your bridge.

How is this possible? As a producer, distributor and having close connections with the international scout shops you can be rest assured of enjoying savings up to 70% on all international items and up to 50% of any local items.

Our policy in deriving the best price for everyone is not just an ordinary step.  Hence, our approach is value for money, exciting, affordable and be part of our CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility).

We also want to take this opportunity to welcome, Mdm Fara Ibrahim as part of the team; adding to our strength who will assist and provide you with efficient and effective service.

Once again, Thank You! for the support. Together we build a better SCOUTING WORLD. Happy Scouting and best regards from all of us @ Mr. Woodbadge Company.

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